7:36 PM |

heaveno people... haha.. i wonder why people want to wish bad for whoever they meet by saying HELLo.. haha.. lets wish good everyone by saying HEAVENo... heehee.. so yesterday morning i got up and started to pack for the chalet we booked.. and around 4.30 pm we reached east coast park where we had the chalet.. then my relatives all arrived and ALL of us wen tot the water to splash around.. and here i am pleased to anounce that i am officially taller than my 21-year-old cousin... HA! hee..ok then we changed and went bowling at the nearby MARINA BOWL if i am not wrong.. i could be marine for all i care.. ahaha.. my dad had booked three lanes.. so there were around 20 of us.. so 2 of them din get to play but they were like OLDIES so made no difference... haha.. evill... then we went back to the chalet and had dinner and dance.. and i drank a bit of wine and beer and i would like to tell whoever is reading this.. BEER AND WINE ARE HORRIBLY BITTER DRINKS!!!!! i hated ot.. it was os bitter and my brother finished like a whole bottle.. but the bottle was like 500 ml..so yah.. but still thats a lot for an 18 year old kid.. hahha.. love to call him that.. hehhe... so.. just came back after sleeping in the extremly COLD chalet.. actually when i come to think of it.. i think its TWO chalets.... i dunno they were side by side sharing the same porch.. but seperated by a big black door from the onside...a dn had different entrances.. so i dunno la... haha.. dun wanna waste precious brainpower thinking about it.. seeing that i am not very bright myself.. haha... speaking of brainpower.. my brother is going to NS in JANUARY!!! you may think what has THAT got to do with MY brainpower... he is my second brain!!! my maths is gonna hit ROCK BOTTOM before it jumps up in sec four... when he comes back.. for GOOD.. but her might go overseas for his U.. AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! DIE!!! but look at the good side.. i can go and visit him..and MOST probably he will be going to USA.. i will purposely make my dad book the flights in winter... then we all can play in the SNOWW!!!!!!!! woots.. but wait.. isnt this too fast.. he hasnt even gone for his NS and here am i talking about visiting him in USA during winter.. aiyo.. haiz... but hey.. i might be going to spain next year with my parents for their annual escape during JUNE.... heehee.. thats the plus side.. they cant leave me alone at home with noone to look after me.. heehee. earlier i had my brother.. now.. i mean next year.. noone.. HA!hehe... evill....haiz.. i think this post is a bit too long eh.. hehe... sobye people and wish everyone out there a happy new year's eve!!!! haha. i will be back tomorrow.... hahaha.. toodles...