5:12 PM |

heyho people!!!!! its has been quite a while since i posted.. hahahaha... anyway my aunt has finally gone back to INDIA... i went to the airport this morning to send her off.. she kinda cried sort of... kinda feel sorry for her.. haiz..sad sad.. but finally i dun get to have stomach upsets and humongous pimples of her cooking.. she puts like SO MUCH of oil.. scary u noe.. heheh.. finally wrote to my mortal last week i think but no reply.. WEI SHUANG why u not replying?!?!?!?!?! hahahahz.. gosh..i honestly dunno what to post about.... nothing much happened this week except that MR MOORTHY was involved in a bike accident and cannot come to teach us until the 7 of feb.. sad eh?? NOT!!!heeeheee.. i kinda like the new relief teacher but she is alomost as bad as me in tamil... MISS SHAMINI IF U HAPPEN TO READ THIS I AM SRY!!!!!!! haiz.. she lets us do whatever we want man.. but not too much noise and loads of cool stuff.. she is one fantastic teacher.. but no one, i repeat,NO ONE comes even CLOSE to mrs subash, my p6 tamil teacher.. she was just the BESTEST AND COOLIEST woman i have ever seen man.. she is very very very very good.. haiz.. miss her loads.. hehe.. i wanna change my glasses.. they are in bad condition and all scratchy.. i dun care i am going to force my dad to buy for me nice, decent glasses which i am sure gonna cost more than a $100.. i dunno whether he is gonna agree or not.. oh oh oh oh... i just checked.. DECEMBER BOYS IS GONNA BE RELEASED IN AUGUST THIS YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WOOTS!!!! then i can go watch it on my birthday... daniel is acting in it.. obviously.. hehehe.. but it is KINDA weird that it is getting released in august rather than december..but i am not complaining.. my birthday month.. and oh oh oh oh oh.. it clearly shows that i am made for harry.. the veins on the back of my hand form the letter H !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehehehehehhe.. realised it in home ec.. we made mee goreng byt the way during home ec.. gotta work with chandni who has deciede to become a vegetarian.. hehehe.. very easy for me.. YAY!!! hehehe... anyway my parents have gone to the CC and i expect them anytime now.. ok then.. toodles..