3:50 AM |

hey peeps.. i noe i havent posted in a VERY LOONG time.. yeah sorry about that.. its just that my tablet went for servicing and my parents were not allowing me to post anything.. they noe about my blog by the way.. heehee.. so yah.. there are alot "finally"s for me too say. finally i got my new specs.. finally *Funky Princess* got a blog... finally we finished our CS project.. only the first part though but still its SOMETHING right.. i heard that quite a number of students in our school.. finally Lynn decided to tell me that she was the one who sent the email thru my account and not a hacker set out to bring doom upon me... finally teenaa found MS shamini's blog... finally i got my NP drills right..finally i got to see the juniors in NP.. they all seem short but there are few tall ones.. finally we got another cat.. this one a shop keeper gave it to my mommy.. he actually asked her to take all the 4 those were there.. but she said she would like only one.. heehee.. it is eating its "Fancy Feast- Gourmet Seafood special" or something along the lines of that.. finally Dhivya decieded to say something true about friendship and all the three of us felt that she was soo hypocritical.. or in her case.. HIPPO-CRITICAL.. hehehe..i am so mean.. but she deserves it man.. she really does.. she ah.. haiz forget it dun wanna spoil my post's mood by posting about that elephant.. finally we got back our Histroy class test results paper back.. as usuall... borderline pass upon 10.. three lucky guesses as to how much i got.. haiz.. finally teenaa can limbo under neath the 4th or 5th string of chinese new year deco..finally i learnt the truth about TWO backstabbing, lying, friend stealing bastards.. actually they are bitches... i am deeply ashamed to say that both of them are my classmates and are - no - were my good frens.. at least one was until i learnt the truth about both of them.. the other one was just a friendly aquaintance.. pretending to be friendly mind you.. ok i shall name my "close friend" BITCH A and the other person BITCH B... when bitch B withdrew from her previous circle of friends- i think she was thrown out becuase of her unbearable behaviour-, she was schemeing on who to attack next.. then she set her eyes on this pair of extremly close friends who were friends from primary school.. there wasnt one without the other.. that was how close both of them were.. on e of them was bitch A.. then she wanst a bitch... she was actually quite nice.. bitch B was thrown out after around 1 or 2 terms had passed.. then she just stuck around with random people.. her angel, her friends from other classes.. she also came and sat with three people...then bitch A and her friend, who is not going to be name for obvious reasons, werent so close to her.. then popped up this rubbish about eyecandying... this idiotic word means that a girl admires a person alot until they go GAGA over her.. this disease also hit bitch A and bitch B.. but the other friend was left out as she was evidently the only sane one among them who did not have one.. this was all the suspected scheme by bitch b.. bitch a and bitch b, as all bitches do, got closer and closer to each other.. soon the other fren was getting left more often than usual.. so she started going around with the three people.. then the bitch B started poisoning bitch A's mind, feeding her withered brain with allkinds of bad stuff about the three people and the other friend.. now bitch A has even resorted to lying to people to get her way and i so think that it is all Bitch B work man.. she is soo evil... i am sorry other friend if i wasnt supposed to say somethings you told me... just tell me personaly and i shall change this post immediately alright.. hang in there dudette... hhehehee.. you have the three people to help you..:D toodles...