1:02 AM |

hey ho people... you what i honestly.. someone has really cast an evil eye on my beautiful voice and caused me to have a very serious sore throat... but now i, according to falee, i have a sexy voice.. come on sing with me! "i have a sexy vioce, yeah!".. if you din noe you were supposed to sing it to the tune of sexyback which michelle LURRVVEESSS.... "come on girl go ahead be gone with it!" hahahahaha... but falee i am sorry to disappoint you.. i no longer have a sexy vioce.. now now dun get your hopes up high thinking that my voice has magically transformed and become normal.. nope.. it instead has an evil spell cast upon it and now has deformed into a hissing sound.. which mean that i dun have a voice and now when i speak only air comes out.... *breaks down into hacking sobs with ocassional coughs making their appearance*haiz.. and people out there keep note of these three dates... [28 February 2007][13 July 2007][21 July 2007].. yah.. i f you wanna noe just tag alright... yah now gotta go for the irritating tuition now.. toodles..