5:12 PM | 0 comments

heyho people!!!!! its has been quite a while since i posted.. hahahaha... anyway my aunt has finally gone back to INDIA... i went to the airport this morning to send her off.. she kinda cried sort of... kinda feel sorry for her.. haiz..sad sad.. but finally i dun get to have stomach upsets and humongous pimples of her cooking.. she puts like SO MUCH of oil.. scary u noe.. heheh.. finally wrote to my mortal last week i think but no reply.. WEI SHUANG why u not replying?!?!?!?!?! hahahahz.. gosh..i honestly dunno what to post about.... nothing much happened this week except that MR MOORTHY was involved in a bike accident and cannot come to teach us until the 7 of feb.. sad eh?? NOT!!!heeeheee.. i kinda like the new relief teacher but she is alomost as bad as me in tamil... MISS SHAMINI IF U HAPPEN TO READ THIS I AM SRY!!!!!!! haiz.. she lets us do whatever we want man.. but not too much noise and loads of cool stuff.. she is one fantastic teacher.. but no one, i repeat,NO ONE comes even CLOSE to mrs subash, my p6 tamil teacher.. she was just the BESTEST AND COOLIEST woman i have ever seen man.. she is very very very very good.. haiz.. miss her loads.. hehe.. i wanna change my glasses.. they are in bad condition and all scratchy.. i dun care i am going to force my dad to buy for me nice, decent glasses which i am sure gonna cost more than a $100.. i dunno whether he is gonna agree or not.. oh oh oh oh... i just checked.. DECEMBER BOYS IS GONNA BE RELEASED IN AUGUST THIS YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WOOTS!!!! then i can go watch it on my birthday... daniel is acting in it.. obviously.. hehehe.. but it is KINDA weird that it is getting released in august rather than december..but i am not complaining.. my birthday month.. and oh oh oh oh oh.. it clearly shows that i am made for harry.. the veins on the back of my hand form the letter H !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehehehehehhe.. realised it in home ec.. we made mee goreng byt the way during home ec.. gotta work with chandni who has deciede to become a vegetarian.. hehehe.. very easy for me.. YAY!!! hehehe... anyway my parents have gone to the CC and i expect them anytime now.. ok then.. toodles..

8:31 PM | 0 comments

heyyy!!!!! sorry i havent posted much but thats because there wasnt much to be posted.. hahas.. anyway... i found out on wednesday that my mortal's name was WEI SHUANG. thats means that she is a chinese...i must insist now that i am NOT a RACIST... actually i am usually a victim of racism.. hahha... whatever.. away from such depressing matters.. i am kinda nervous that she might not like me.. like she might be expecting this fun loving, intelligent angel.. but i am ALL of those things.. i am fun loving, i am kinda intelligent(STRICTLY away from academic matters) and i am an ABSOLUTE angel!!!! hahaha.. but what i am afraid that SHE might be racist or she might be thise snobbish kind and she might be EXTREMLY disappointed when she finds out that her angel is an indian.. she might be expecting a chinese person who understands her better?? i dunno.. bu ti am scared.. christina and michelle got malays.. they are quite understanding... but i am just scared i suppose.. joyce's angel was an indian and i din hear her complaining.. but the fact remains that not all chinese can be as indian loving as joyce.. this is a compliment joyce!! haha.. anyway.. i got back from the cruise last evening... very sleepy.. ahahaha.. but it was magnificent... SUPER STAR VIRGO(my star sign!!!!).. thats was the name of the HUGE ship.. indian vegetarian buffet.. breakfast lunch dinner supper... magic shows.. greek style swimming pools and jacuzzi.. and my brother came up with this kinda lame joke... what do u call a jacuzzi on a cruise???? a JACRUZZI!!!! HAHAHAHA.. ok fine.. whatever.. so.. then there was this amazing place called GALAXY OF THE STARS.. on the cruise la.. then i learnt this thing called hip hop line dancing.. quite interesting.. but the cabins were kinda small lla..hehe.. so yah.. very fun very fun... and my father was having this extremyl farfetched plan of going on a cruise to the CARRIBEAN!!!! hahahaha... i dun it will happen in this lifetime.. first thing very expensive.. next thing very long... another thing where to find the time???? hahaha.. maybe during my honeymoon..*stares dreamily off into space.... ahem.. ok sorry bout that.. haha.. so yah.. and guess what.. i havent done my book review!!!!1 so christina you have to help me out here ok.. yah.. ok then i gtg noe.. my aunt is staying with me.. haizz.. toodles..