6:16 AM |

DANIEL HAS A SIX PACK!!!!!!!!! YEAH.... and mind you its SO not the ugly and too big ones... they are the normal and perfect one... omg... in one he looks super retarted while smoking on the stage for THE PLAY... but he is so cute with his lil' stubble.. heeeheee....haiz.. he is just so amazingly hott.. meow.. hahaha.. i am drunk with happiness... so yah.. my dad is SUPER DOOPER pissed with my cat JIMMY .J.. apparently he pooped all over the house.. ok technically in three places.. my brother's room.. my parents' room... and.. the store room.. so yah.. the worst part is not his shit.. as in at least ah you wipe away the shit and the smell will be gone soon as the source has been removed.. HOWEVER.. the P-E-E PEE is supppperrrr stinky.. as in it smells very acidic... and my dad is pissed and is thinking of throwing it out.. the cat i mean.. if he doesi dun care.. I SHALL BRING MY SON BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahha..........my son.. my darling sonny boy.. haiz.. i gtg. quite sleepaye... good night.. and P.S: the thing u did with my diary is REALLY uugglaye.. i mean i thought it was nice at first but now it looks super retarded.. just wanted to get that off my chest yah.. toodles..